Friday, March 25

changed the billabong skin to this emily one. its a little darkkk. but there was one that was even worse. asked alson which was nicer but he likes neither. hahas.

have been feeling out of sorts lately. my mood often changes from happy to sad almost immediately. everytime i step home i get this sucky feeling. so i try to stay out with my friends and whoever as much as i can.

i went out with matthew wang for the first time today. though it lasted for an hour half only, we had fun walking all around clementi trying to find a taxi. was damn sway. when i was about to leave for the airport, the mrt accident thing occured. really bad timing. was late to meet belle n daniel because of that. but i had fun bitching about how there're no taxis with matthew. hahas.

stayed in front of the com most of them time since i came back. about 3-4 hours. im going brain dead soon.

suddenly have this sunken feeling at the pit of my stomach. and its not pms. if it was, i'd be crabby now.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 23:38

omg. i got a friggin' 14 points for my L1R4 !! omgomgomg. i expected like, a 20 or something. can you believe my L1R4 last year was like, 30+.

anw, im heading over to the airport in two hours. im meeting belle at tanah merah interchange and daniel at changi. i guess im just going there for the reminsces. if not i probably wont even think of travelling all the way to changi. people call me insane to go all the way from tiong. but last time i felt that was romantic. hahas.

kayy i gotta go. tahs.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 10:45

Wednesday, March 23

im boredd. mom's having friends over so i cant do much cept surf the net. dont feel like doing other stuff.

haii, there's art tmr. sure get screwed by mdm lim because i havent completed my work. geez. but i got research though. printed a few rad pics of eagles.

so im just blogging and listening to music and sms-ing joel. friday's Good Friday.

praise the LORD .. He gave His Son to pay a debt He didnt owe, but because we owed a debt we couldnt pay.. Hallelujah.. Hallelujah..

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 21:14

Saturday, March 19

i could use some company about now. oh wells. i tried asking jon if i could just hang out at his place but he's got some sort of problem. why's everyone so unhappy nowdays.

i just read every entry of my other blog. not the or the really private one. the one that jon belle gab and sher has access to. geez, i cant believe how my life was utterly miserable then. hahaa. have been ranting like, what, nearly everyday? but i dont really use that blog nw. i like the blogskin though.

gab went off to stay at kristal's, leaving me alone >.< oh well. im used to her going over that often. spent the night on the couch and had to wake up at an unearthly hour because my mom was gonna have friends over. woke up around 9.

the hols are almost over! ='( haii. just when it was getting good.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 11:05

Tuesday, March 15

rats. dont think im going for the slgfot play. i'd wanted to go with isabelle but she bailed out on my yesterday. tried asking jon but i dont think he even heard me. i dont think wendy's sister's going anymore so i can just forget about it. i'd look like an idiot going there by myself.

but its such a waste! wendy's performing and so is sher. gab has no interest in it either. well, forunately i didnt get my ticket yet. aiyar.. forget it.. i've been to the rehearsals anw..

i gotta go. seeyuhs....

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 19:01

Sunday, March 13

sorry for the irregular update. just that there are many things happening and i dont have the time to blog daily whatsoever.

i could kill for some company right now. i'm bored out of my gourd. geez. i'd rather have school than to be lazing around for a week. i'd go brain dead pretty soon.

i cant wait for tmr to come.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 14:34

Tuesday, March 8

today was alright, except i got yelled at a couple of times. yeesh.

gab's looking at her neos again. i hate it when she does that. i mean, she revives happy times, which are sure to lead to sad ones. i'd tell her not to look anymore, but she'd just ignore me. i hate seeing her like that. and i'd hate it to be me.

sigh. been feeling lousy.

are you angry with me? do you hate me? please dont hate me ...

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 19:34

Sunday, March 6

i went to cine to watch lemony sniket's a series of unfortunate events. but it sucks. no meaning in it. well, there's a storyline, but its rather lame. all about a guy wanting custody of the three kids, and dwit-ing to get the inheritance. but sher enjoyed the movie. i was sms-ing in the theatre. haha.

im super bored. maybe i'll hit the sack early today. there's school tmr !!! :( nvm, in one week, im gonna have my one week holiday. yay.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 19:31

Wednesday, March 2

i cant believe it! bensee, get this, BENJAMIN SEE, is actually talking to me on msn ! he added me on friendster, then i added him on msn in return, and he started the conversation. golly. i cant believe it. i was so uncertain that he would do that, so i asked him questions that would lead of confirmation that is is bensee from 5a. wow cool. he's talking like there was nothing between us in the past. but well, thats good. at least we can be friends again. my wish came true.

/+vous ne pouvez pas perdre que vous n'aves jamais eu -`

michi ]|[ 20:55